Tag Archives: 5-minute break

Invite Your Staff To Enjoy A 5-Minute Leadership Mints Break

Here is a suggested memo
that you can adapt to invite your staff
to join you in a
5-minute Leadership Mints Break
at your next staff meeting.

As employees we all deserve professional development opportunities. Yet all of us are too busy to take as much time as we might like to attend workshops and seminars and recharge our batteries on a regular basis. 

That’s why I have been searching for an efficient,
on-going, weekly leadership development program for our department that is sensitive to our time constraints.


I’ve run across something called a 5-Minute Leadership Mints Break that might work for us. Let’s test it out at our next staff meeting and see what you think. I like it because it takes just 5 minutes during our meeting and 10-minutes or so of pre-read material that also includes insights from more than 50 other leadership books.

Consumed like a breath mint – quick and on the go – a
LEADERSHIP MINT is a bite-sized idea that energizes leadership behaviors and personalizes leadership principles so they are easily remembered, more readily acted upon and more fully applied. Like its candy counterpart, a Leadership Mint is easily spooned, quickly digested and immediately invigorating.

In a few days, you will be getting your own “bowl” of these Leadership Mints to savor. These 77 Leadership Mints come wrapped in what looks to you and me like a book. But this book is different. You don’t read it from cover to cover. You dip-in to it anywhere at any time for just 5-minutes at a time.

Let’s face it: as busy as we all are, I know the importance of taking a quick time out to catch our breath and enjoy a 5-minute Leadership Mints Break with you — and maybe even share a laugh or two. There’s an 18-page bonus section on leading with humor.


When you get your “bowl” of Leadership Mints — a.k.a. the 298-page book titled THINKING Like a Leaderplease read the Introduction and Mint 1. (That’s just 7 pages.)

Be prepared for a short 5-minute discussion on how we as a team can apply the key learning in Mint 1.

Just for fun I’ll pass around some individually-wrapped candy mints during our 5-minute Leadership Mints Break. Need a smile right now?  (Mint 1 is titled Yabba Dabba Dooooo On Monday Morning Too.)

If we all decide that these 5-minute Leadership Mints Breaks are meaningful in our pursuit to continously improve as leaders, we might also enjoy a variety of different Leadership Mints going forward.

In addition to savoring Leadership Mints on thinking more creatively, we could also savor Leadership Mints on civility in another Leadership Mints Series book — SPEAKING Like a Leader — and you can enhance your capability in connecting more fully with others with empathy in another Leadership Mints Book LOVING Like a Leader.

To get your copy of THINKING Like a Leader Click here
To get your copy of SPEAKING Like a Leader Click here.
To get your copy of LOVING Like a Leader Click here.