You have a great idea for a new product or service. Now what? How do you cash in on your dream and bolster your bank account?
You teach.
- You teach your business plan to investors.
- You teach your sales force to better understand the competition and more directly counter customer objections.
- You teach your customers the differentiated value proposition of your product or service.
- You teach your employees to assimilate into the culture of the company, embrace the company’s vision and consistently contribute to the company’s mission.
That’s why entrepreneurs in particular and leaders in general make teaching their business.

For more ideas on how teaching = leading, grab your copy of TEACHING Like a Leader, Personally by Peter Jeff available on as the fourth book in the Leadership Mints Series.
The 300-page dip-in-anywhere book is comprised of 64 vignettes designed to help new, emerging and seasoned professionals in both formal teaching and general leading positions.
As a leader, you rightfully see yourself in the driver’s seat steering toward your destination but it is the teacher in you who will assure your passengers — your employees — are all on board.
No doubt as a leader you find yourself in the role of a teacher every day. Yet if you are like most leaders, you have had little or no formal study or coaching in the mindset and the discipline required to perform effectively as a professional teacher.
Purchase a copy of TEACHING Like a Leader and step into the classroom with exemplary teacher leaders (including 7 college professors and 19 primary and secondary educators and learn from celebrity teachers such as:
GE CEO Jack Welch
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden
Supreme Court Justice John Roberts
Don Shula pro football’s winningest
coach among others.
Learn how those teaching leaders gain trust, sustain interest, spark learning and gain understanding that drives continuous improvement. And add more to your understanding of effective teaching with the insights of more than 60 other authors referenced in TEACHING Like a Leader.
Bonus Section on Humor
Readers also enjoy a 29-page bonus section called The FUN-damentals of Leadership — on developing your sense of humor as a teaching and leading skill.
Click Here
To Get Your Copy of TEACHING Like a Leader
What is a
Leadership Mint?
Consumed like a breath mint — quick and on-the-go, Leadership Mints are bite-sized ideas that refresh your feeling for leading and personalize your leadership principles so they are more easily remembered, more readily acted upon and more fully applied. And like its candy counterpart, Leadership Mints are easily accessed, quickly savored and immediately satisfying.