Signature Statement: Saying I’m Sorry the Write Way

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to reinforce the bonds of a relationship. Reading time: 3:42

“I’ll be there to give you moral support,” my new boss told me as I prepared for a presentation at a large sales meeting.

It really didn’t matter that my boss never showed. After all, he clearly had confidence me. Besides, the presentation went well as expected.

As soon as I got back to the office, my boss stopped me before I had a chance to sit down.

No “how-did-it-go” inquiry. No excuses for not attending my presentation. No hiding behind the proverbial “emergency that I had to handle.” He just simply confessed:

“I screwed up. I just forgot all about it. I am sorry. So sorry. That’s for you.”

My boss pointed to an envelope on my desk.

The envelope had my name written in perfect penmanship. Inside there was a blank motivational card that said “CHALLENGE” on the front.

I opened the card and read his carefully handwritten apology. I knew my new boss as a highly successful leader who brandished his reputation as a street-smart, don’t-mess-with-me guy.

That’s why I felt goosebumps sprinkle all over my back as I read his words — “I’m sorry. I screwed up….” Each letter he wrote in his best penmanship seemed so thoughtfully scripted. His expensive fountain pen seemed to ooze drops like so many virtual tears.

(Oh, I know that sounds so over the top, but in my world — a dashed note from a boss in lousy penmanship is the rule not the exception. This was no quickly dashed note.) Anyway, after reading his apology, I needed to swallow before getting back to work. My boss’s apology-vocally and verbally -really touched me and rekindled my commitment to him personally and our company collectively.

From the day of that apology going forward, I seemed to bring my “A” game to the office much more often. I was more productive. Maybe I was just working longer rather than smarter. Not sure.

But I figured if my new boss cared that much about me, I should care even more about him. I should care even more about making him look good in hiring me in the first place.


My new boss-turned-pen-pal taught me a significant leadership lesson that day. It’s a lesson that has served me well in developing teams and building trust over the years:

Value the dignity and worth of your staff. Be true to your word, especially if you are vowing support — materially or spiritually.

writing-a-letter And if that bond of trust is broken-be quick; be verbal, be vocal— apologizing personally. In your own voice. In your own handwriting.

From your own heart and soul.

It’s one thing to perfunctorily mouth the words-“I’m sorry” --and call it good.

It’s another thing to: Sit down; Swallow your pride and your positional authority; Search for a Hallmark Helper ( inspirational cards) ; Write out your apology and Personally deliver it.

That Pen-Pal approach takes more time, more effort, more sincerity and more planning.

No click does the trick. No hiding behind E-mail. No hitting “SEND” to put a quick end to a misunderstanding.

Later, I found out that my new boss stocked inspirational blank greeting cards in his office the way others stock business cards.

And the leadership lesson I learned. Play your cards. Personally.

Especially when you’re saying “I’m sorry.”

Today’s ImproveMINT:

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5 thoughts on “Signature Statement: Saying I’m Sorry the Write Way

  1. Pingback: Personal Communications: Catching the 5/15 Train of Thought « LEADERSHIP MINTS

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