By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy
Here’s an idea to strengthen your focus on teamwork. Reading time: 3:23
Look closely at a single feather of a peacock’s tail and you’ll see a dull brown color. But, collectively, those dull colored individual feathers display a spectacular array of colors. Out of many individually lifeless feathers comes collectively one brilliant blast of beauty.
Physicists call this phenomenon “Diffraction.” The colorful plume blossoms like a bouquet of flowers from the way light is diffracted from and through each of the other dull brown feathers.
Leaders call this phenomenon – the power of teamwork- where the power of many strengthens the scope and significance of an individual entity. Out of many, one. E pluribus Unum.
No wonder the most effective leaders know how to fan the peacock’s plume—COLLECTIVELY- rather than simply focus on managing each feather individually. After all, an ant weighs one ten-thousandth of an ounce yet collectively all ants on earth weigh more than all the humans on earth. Continue reading “TEAMWORK: Reflecting Off Each Other”