The Leadership Mints Series

Consumed like a breath mint –quick and on-the-go—a LEADERSHIP MINT is a short story that energizes leadership behaviors and personalizes leadership principles so they are more easily remembered, more readily acted upon and more fully applied.

Like its candy counterpart, a LEADERSHIP MINT is easily spooned, quickly digested and immediately reinvigorating.

That’s the intent of a Leadership Mint, a quick pick-me-up via a short entertaining 5-minute story that provides a key tip or technique to handle a leadership issue ranging from conflict management to emotional intelligence.

The first book in the Leadership Mints Series (THINKING Like a Leader) featured 77 Leadership Mints on clarity (creativity, collaborating and concentrating.)

The second book in the Leadership Mints Series (LOVING Like a Leader) featured 77 Leadership Mints on empathy (compassion, connection and conviction). And the third book in the Leadership Mints Series SPEAKING Like a Leader , features 52 Leadership Mints on civility (credibility, memorability and capability.)