Focusing Your Vision Over The Rainbow

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to help you better define your vision. Reading time: 4:26

Think of a rainbow the next time you’re developing a vision for your organization.

RAINBOW Like a rainbow, a vision is not an object, not a “thing” despite the dismissive citation of a former US President.

Like a rainbow, a vision is a frame of reference, a vantage point from a SPECIFIC ANGLE to see your organization in a different light.

And like a rainbow, a vision can’t be seen and/ or developed from the top down; a vision can only be seen and/or developed from the side -no matter what kind of rose colored glasses you are wearing.

From the side, a leader can better get up close and personal to more accurately assess key components of a vision such as competition, customers and employees.

From the side-up close and personal -a leader can come to more personally experience their company’s strengths and weaknesses in the marketplace; threats and opportunities, and key trends for product or service differentiation.

From the side-up close and personal- a leader can more fully listen to what the customer is NOT saying that would enhance the value-add of their product or service.

And from the side-up close and personal-a leader can more directly look their employees in the eye to gain and retain their trust.

But first, the leader’s view from the side has to be precise to discern a viable vision, much like the specific 42 degree angle of vision required to see a rainbow, according to the laws of physics. No wonder the most effective visionary leaders realize their followers may have the same view but not the same vision as you; they may have the same location but not the same vantage point .

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