Tag Archives: You’ve Got Email

E-mail Etiquette: 5 Ways To Write the Wrongs

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to increase the effectiveness of your emails.

“You’ve Got Mail!” I still smile when I think of Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in that entertaining and engaging movie “You’ve Got Mail.

Too bad the friendly and welcomed e-mail all but dissipates in the real world when the romantic comedy ends. In the real world Too much e-mail is written with a shovel more than a keyboard. Too much e-mail is shoveled like manure and spread around in a field of confusion until it smells. That’s why the most effective leaders I known strive to practice a more polished e-mail etiquette designed to turn that smell of exasperation into a well of inspiration.

Here are 5 ways to make your e-mails more relevant -more audience centered — and more results oriented, sparking a more timely and targeted response.


Begin your message with instructions of what you expect the receiver to do with this message. Such as For Your Approval by specific date or Pre-Read for January 7 Meeting or For Your Information – FYI


Begin and end your message with a call to the action requested like this: “Action Requested: Need Approval by specific date” etc.


Reply to every e-mail with a simple “THX” or a Thanks or anything that says “I got your message.” Continue reading