Introduction to New Leadership Mints Book


by Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Leadership Mints, the 282-page book based on this blog, was published earlier this week and is now available on Here’s a peek at the Introduction to the book that will help you more fully savor your on line digesting of Leadership Mints each Tuesday and Friday.


What’s a Leadership Mint?

Short stories read in 5 minutes or less that personalize leadership principles. That’s a Leadership Mint. Freshen your bottom-line thinking. On-the-go. Quickly. Easily. Daily. Like its candy counterpart, a Leadership Mint is easily spooned, quickly digested and immediately accessible.

Invest a few minutes of reading for a lifetime of leading. To remind you how quickly you can freshen your bottom-line thinking, the time it takes to read a Leadership Mint story is posted beneath each headline. You can digest any one of the 101 Leadership Mints in any order. You can read just two pages at a time to glean enough information or inspiration to more effectively lead on a specific issue. Need help convincing others? (Mint 65). Need help reprimanding others? (Mint 55). Need help fending off your critics? (Mint 62). Need help focusing? (Mint 70).


Each Leadership Mint ends with an ImproveMINT which is a one-sentence call-to-action summary that reinforces the intended key learning of the story. See pages 265-269 for a summary of all 101 ImproveMINTS. To help you use Leadership Mints as a quick reference tool to solve an immediate problem, check out the quick at-a-glance navigation features, including a 7-page Index that begins on page 275. For a list of all 101 Leadership Mints categorized in 16 different leadership behaviors, competencies, skills or traits, see pages 271-274.

Who Should Read Leadership Mints?

Busy people. Leadership Mints is designed for Continue reading “Introduction to New Leadership Mints Book”

Leadership Mints Defined

A Leadership Mint is a daily quick-read, short story-like blog post that personalizes leadership principles and freshens your bottom-line thinking. Like its candy counterpart, a Leadership Mint is easily spooned, quickly digested and immediately satisfying.

  • EASILY SPOONED – Bite -sized scenarios on specific leadership behavior or lack thereof.
  • QUICKLY DIGESTED –Content-rich storytelling format engages the reader PERSONALLY.
  • IMMEDIATELY SATISFYING – Comfort food for the soul that reminds, reinforces and reassures leaders of their own leadership values.

Leadership Mints are particularly designed for busy knowledge workers like you. You don’t need a Basex 2010 study to tell you that “knowledge workers only spend 5% of the day engaged in thought and reflection.”

You already know you’d like to read more, think more, reflect more than 5% of your day.

Savor a Leadership Mint for a few minutes every day and extend your 5% thinking time. Consider sharing your Leadership Mints at your next staff meeting as a time-saving learning and leading professional development tool. At any rate, you can expect a new Leadership Mint served every business day to help you keep your leadership thinking in mint condition. I look forward to your comments, thoughts and reflections.