Tag Archives: staying focused after the project is done

Staying the Course 24/7

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to enhance your productivity. Reading time: 2:57

You’ve been hustling for the last 33 hours, chasing down one detail after another. You’re exhausted yet relieved.

success FINALLY! Your project is completed. On time and under budget. And you’re ready to celebrate.

Not so fast. There’s still work to do. At least to the most effective leaders.

They’re too busy planting more proverbial fruit for tomorrow while TODAY everyone else is enjoying the fruits of their labor.

At least that’s what Charles Lindbergh did when he completed his project –a grueling, history-making, solo trans-Atlantic flight in 33.5 hours. Lindbergh hadn’t slept in 61 hours. He hadn’t eaten in more than 30 hours.

Yet his first words upon landing in Paris wasn’t how thrilled he was or even where’s the bathroom. No, Charles Lindbergh, was still Continue reading