Tag Archives: sense of mission

Breaking Out of Paradigm Prison

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to focus your commitment to a mission. Reading time: 4:05

In the 1980 movie-The Blues Brothers — Elwood assures Jake with all sincerity: “We’re on a mission from God.”

blues-brothers-Indeed in this mission, The Blues Brothers were specifically deployed. Not generally employed.

They were virtually thrust into a targeted and timed problem-solving role that challenged them to lead -NOW-or else suffer the consequences beyond frayed friendships and scarred relationships.

And in the process the Blues Brothers illustrate the ennobling might and majesty of leading from the heart, for the heart and by the heart over and through obstacles to complete their mission. No matter what!

Let’s see if we can capture the Blues Brothers magic formula of Deployed Leadership and make it work for you.

Deployed Leadership

Deployed, the Blues Brothers bubbled with enthusiasm for achieving the objective: raise $5,000 in 11 days to pay off back county taxes OR ELSE the orphanage where the Blues Brothers grew up would be foreclosed. They focused on achieving the objective BECAUSE of — not in spite of -the deadline.

Deployed, the Blues Brothers faced a broader challenge to redeem themselves from a life of crime (Jake had just gotten out of prison) and both had not lived up to the expectations of the nuns -the only real family they ever knew -who cared for them as children in the orphanage.

Deployed, the Blues Brothers mission was personal: Keep the head of the orphanage -Sister Mary Stigmata —from losing her home and her leadership role. She told the Blues Brothers she wanted to stay in Illinois as head of the orphanage instead of being shipped off to Africa to do the Lord’s work. Continue reading

Conquering Mount Everest In Your Mind

By Peter Jeff
Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to help you keep pursing your goals despite setbacks. Reading time: 1:54.


Mount Everest (20,029 feet) — tallest mountain in the world.

You failed. Again. Now what? Take heart Leaders assess the situation and see what most people don’t see.

That’s what hope is all about. Leaders keep hope alive no matter how dismal the immediate circumstances.

Consider this scenario the next time you find yourself on the short end of the stick, deep in the hole, behind the 8-ball, pick your cliché.

All you know is that you have failed and you’re hurting. But not for long.

Imagine that you try and fail to climb Mount Everest three times. On your third attempt an avalanche kills seven members of your mountain climbing team.

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