By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy
Here’s an idea to reprimand poor performance yet motivate continuous improvement. Reading time: 4:58
You are fuming mad. This is the fourth straight time that one of your top performing employees has been late for your staff meeting. Somehow you bite your tongue. You maintain your composure throughout the meeting.
But then after everyone else leaves the meeting room, you confront the tardy employee. Your frustration gets the better of you. You explode into a flurry of accusations:
“Bill, your cavalier attitude on attending staff meetings on time is frustrating to me and to the rest of the team. I thought we had already addressed this issue. Any way I have had it.
“The next time you’re late for a staff meeting, you’ll have to have more than a good excuse. Or else! Or else it will be your last meeting with us because you will no longer be working here. I don’t care how many sales records you break,” the boss deadpanned as he walked out of the meeting room.
Bill was stunned. And so was his boss. Continue reading