Tag Archives: Nepal

Conquering Mount Everest In Your Mind

By Peter Jeff
Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to help you keep pursing your goals despite setbacks. Reading time: 1:54.


Mount Everest (20,029 feet) — tallest mountain in the world.

You failed. Again. Now what? Take heart Leaders assess the situation and see what most people don’t see.

That’s what hope is all about. Leaders keep hope alive no matter how dismal the immediate circumstances.

Consider this scenario the next time you find yourself on the short end of the stick, deep in the hole, behind the 8-ball, pick your cliché.

All you know is that you have failed and you’re hurting. But not for long.

Imagine that you try and fail to climb Mount Everest three times. On your third attempt an avalanche kills seven members of your mountain climbing team.

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