Tag Archives: merry-go-around

Sloooowww Doooown to Speed Up Your Performance

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to enhance your performance. Reading time: 2:57.

You’re busy. You’re late for your next meeting. The Corporate Merry-Go –Around seems to be speeding up every day. Everything’s a blur. Faster. Better. Cheaper. Go. Go. Go.

Whoa there, Speed Breath. Sloooowww Doooown to speed up your performance.

That’s what the most effective leaders I know do. They perform like highly tuned athletes.

Time seems to stand still to athletes when they are performing at their highest level.

Athletes tap into their perception of time slowing down to become more aware of their surroundings, more sensitive to the issues confronting them. As time slows they find themselves with more time to make minor adjustments that result in major achievements and record breaking performances.

In slow motion, these leaders don’t over react even when confronted. They slow down. They take a step back. They better assess the entire situation with a 360 degree perspective. Then -and only then- do they ascertain the most productive response. They exude all the power and poise of a well-trained karate practitioner who when attacked-pauses-then steps back assesses the situation before defending himself or herself. Methodically. Continue reading