Tag Archives: meeting results

Productivity: Making your Meetings POP

By Peter Jeff
Leadership Mints Guy
Here’s an idea to help you conduct more productive meetings.

Do your meetings snap, crackle and POP with collaborative thinking and unbridled enthusiasm?

Are you smirking right now at the notion of every meeting you attend ACTUALLY being worth your time and attention? Then, come with me ye Meeting Martyr.

Let’s leave Yawn City behind.

Let’s journey together to Meeting Magic Land: A Meeting Land where participants stay alert and engaged, where meetings POP with more than an agenda, with a Purpose, an Outcome and a Premise (POP for short.)

Most meeting planners do an adequate job of defining the purpose of the meeting with a traditional agenda. But only the most effective leaders in my experience cogently capture the premise of a meeting for its participants.

And the premise is what makes the meeting POP.

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