Tag Archives: Martians

“Listen: Do You Want To Know A Secret?

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to enhance your critical listening skills. Reading time: 2:27.

“Listen: do you want to know a secret? Oh, I can hear the Beatles’ song now. Great memories. But with all due respect to George Harrison’s clandestine offer, the answer today for too many people is: “No. No. No. No!

Most people do not want to know a secret. That would mean they would have to LISTEN!

And most people are too busy to really stop and listen. Even if it kills them.

Take for example the night the Martians invaded New York City.

It was fiction.
It was fable.
It was make-believe.

But millions of hysterical Americans believed this Halloween evening radio broadcast in 1938 was real.

And panic broke out across America!

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