Tag Archives: making meetings memorable

Meeting Magic: Fire Up the Troops With Passionate Introductions

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to get your meetings off to more productive start.

Most meetings end before they begin. In sheer confusion, frustration and exasperation. “A waste of my time,” they grouse. And no wonder. The meeting agenda skipped the foreplay.

No I’m not trying to appeal to your prurient interests. Only to your persuasive interests as a leader to get the extended attention and retention of others. And sometimes that means blowing your own horn!

Trumpet the treasure to come, much like “Hail to the Chief” commands the audience attention at the entrance of the President of the United States.

Let’s have a little fanfare for the common man at your next meeting. Invest a little passion and energy into enthusiastically introducing your first meeting presenter.

Too many meetings open with a boring statement of the purpose of the meeting or the proverbial toss of the baton “okay now let me turn the meeting over to….”

No, no, no. Boring. Continue reading

Productivity: Making your Meetings POP

By Peter Jeff
Leadership Mints Guy
Here’s an idea to help you conduct more productive meetings.

Do your meetings snap, crackle and POP with collaborative thinking and unbridled enthusiasm?

Are you smirking right now at the notion of every meeting you attend ACTUALLY being worth your time and attention? Then, come with me ye Meeting Martyr.

Let’s leave Yawn City behind.

Let’s journey together to Meeting Magic Land: A Meeting Land where participants stay alert and engaged, where meetings POP with more than an agenda, with a Purpose, an Outcome and a Premise (POP for short.)

Most meeting planners do an adequate job of defining the purpose of the meeting with a traditional agenda. But only the most effective leaders in my experience cogently capture the premise of a meeting for its participants.

And the premise is what makes the meeting POP.

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