New R-Rated Book Provides Tool for More Convenient,
On-Going Leadership Development Training
During Regular Staff Meetings
By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy
The 5-minute Leadership Mints Break is coming to a staff meeting room near you thanks to the publication today of a new R-Rated book (R for Relationships) designed to solve the leadership development dilemma: leaders who are too busy to develop other leaders.
Leadership Mints, 101 Ideas to Freshen Your Leadership Breath, by Peter Jeff – available on and booksellers everywhere (ISBN 978-0615936970 – personalizes leadership principles through 101 stories, most of which can be read in 5 minutes or less.
Like their candy counterpart, these Leadership Mints can be consumed like a breath mint: quickly, and easily anytime, anyhow, anywhere but particularly and most conveniently during any regularly scheduled staff meeting.
The new 282-page book gives leaders a viable tool to solve a conundrum in the leadership development community: Need vs. Time. The need is evident: The most vital role of any leader is to develop other leaders, most leading leadership development authorities agree. The time is not as evident or available. Research shows that leadership role of — Leaders Developing Other Leaders -takes a backseat to day-to-day problem-solving.
In fact, Leaders Developing Other Leaders ranks 4th from the bottom according to what leaders actually do, according to the Leadership 2012 Study Focusing on Trends and Best Practices, conducted by Corporate University Xchange, a global learning and leadership research firm. Leaders say they are too busy to coach others and too busy to have their direct reports attending as many leadership development seminars and workshops as they might like .
Leadership Mints solves that time crunch and launches the debut of the 5-minute Leadership Mints Break during a regular staff meeting. Participants can discuss the key learnings -called an ImproveMINT-in a Leadership Mint story that can be digested (read) in 5 minutes. Many leaders rotate the leader of the 5-Minute Leadership Mints Break to give all staffers a flair for teaching and developing other leaders.
Most but not all of the 101 Leadership Mint stories can be read in 5 minutes or less. The reading time for each Leadership Mint is printed just below its headline which reinforces the book’s founding concept: Invest a few minutes reading for a lifetime of leading.
For the first time leaders have a tool Continue reading “The 5-Minute Leadership Mints Break Debuts”