Tag Archives: leadership training quick

Face Lift for Leadership Mints the Book

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy
Here’s an idea to gain more control over your leadership development. Reading time 2:57.

You’re busy. Too busy to attend seminars and workshops on leadership; too busy to keep up with so many books and blogs on leadership thinking. Relax, take a deep breath and savor Leadership Mints, 101 Ideas to Freshen Your Leadership Breath.

BookCoverImageConsumed like a breath mint –quick and on-the-go—Leadership Mints can be thought of as a breath of fresh air that invigorates your decision-making through 101 short stories that spotlight and personalize leadership principles.

Leadership Mints , the book version of this blog available on Amazon.com, debuts today with a new face lift. The newly designed cover more clearly calls out the book’s intended audience: For Busy Leaders.

And the ocean waves lapping on shore reflect the ebb and flow of the work day so that busy leaders can take a breath in between waves of work. Hence the revised subtitle: 101 Ideas To Freshen Your Leadership Breath.

Leadership Mints is ideally suited to better cope with the trend toward all knowledge workers assuming more leadership responsibilities -if not positions — no matter if they have any direct reports or budgets or not.

The pace of continuous change with limited resources is placing a premium on leadership development. Continue reading