Tag Archives: John Milton

Teacher Leaders Make Learning Fun

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to enhance your teaching effectiveness. Reading time: 4:02

You’re at the top of your game- a subject matter expert who swings a mighty bat in the major leagues of your profession. Baseball_GameOther big hitters envy your prowess and seek your advice, guidance, and direction.

But then you throw them all curve ball.

You voluntarily give up that challenging and ego-building prestige, power and position to coach Little Leaguers.

Now you’re teaching youngsters too inexperienced to appreciate the finer points of the game; youngsters still groping with the fundamentals of the game, youngsters still struggling to get a hit let alone hitting home runs like you did metaphorically and regularly on your Field of Dreams.

Some of these Little Leaguers are frustrated with baseball. Others are bored by it. Many are questioning why they even tried out to play baseball any way. And now you have to baby sit and cajole young minds to focus on your baseball specialty whether they want to or not.

Who would ever suffer this coaxing and coaching headache instead of basking in the limelight of power and prestige? Leaders, that’s who. Leaders like Enrico Fermi.

The Father of Atomic Fission would volunteer to teach a first-year college physics class because it challenged him to make learning physics more fun, more relevant, more meaningful in their day-to-day lives. Continue reading