Tag Archives: fulton’s steam engine

Saluting the Changing of the Guard —In Your Mind ‘s Eye

By Peter Jeff
Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to help you better cope with change. (Reading time: 3:42)

When escalators first debuted in department stores, nurses were stationed at the top to tend to those who thought they would feel light headed.

When the first bathtub was introduced in the United States in 1842, It was labeled “a menace to health,” according to doctors and three years later bathing was unlawful in Boston except when prescribed by a physician.

And when the first air balloon landed after a 15-mile flight in France, the people in the town of 20,000 were so frightened of the air-born monster they called it “inhuman” and destroyed it with stones and knifes.

Only vending machines and babies welcome change.

After all “change imposed is changed opposed,” as author Spencer Johnson writes in his book Who Moved My Cheese. No wonder Nicolo Machiavelli said: “There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct or more uncertain of its success that to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” See 10 reasons why people resist change.

Yet, the most effective leaders I’ve ever known are committed to a new order of things. Change agents (a.k.a. leaders) reflect the spirit of innovation and freedom resplendent in the gilt letters inscribed above the doors inside the United States Senate chamber: Novus Ordo Seclorum “a new order of the ages is born.” They see a world of Continue reading