Tag Archives: emerging leaders

Puzzling Together The Leadership Mints Series

Designed in a reader-friendly, dip-in-anywhere format, the three books in the Leadership Mints Series are also constructed like pieces of a puzzle.

They fit a particular need of emerging, newly-minted and seasoned leaders from clarity and creativity to empathy and compassion to civility and credibility. For example:


THINKING LIKE A LEADER is ideal for emerging and newly-minted leaders to refresh their feeling for leading.It is also suitable as an on-boarding tool for new employees to sharpen their clarity and set creative and innovative expectations.

THINKING Like a Leader also includes insights from 89 other books on leadership. Each Leadership Mint (story) concludes with a key learning takeaway called Today’s ImproveMINT.

These 77 Leadership Mints in THINKING Like a Leader are featured in three key topic areas: Creativity, Concentration and Collaboration. Sample Leadership Mint title:Yabba Dabba Doo On Monday Morning Too.


LOVING LIKE A LEADER is ideal for seasoned leaders as a mentoring tool.

It is also suitable for newly-promoted leaders to learn how other leaders express empathy. LOVING Like a Leader includes examples from leaders in military, business, sports and politics. Each Leadership Mint (story) concludes with a key learning takeaway called Today’s EngageMINT.

These 77 Leadership Mints in LOVING Like a Leader are featured in three key topic areas: Compassion, Connection and Conviction. Sample Leadership Mint title: Swallowing Your Feedback With a Slice of Humble Pie (Mint 43).


SPEAKING LIKE A LEADER is ideal for all leaders especially those facing adversarial audiences such as irate customers, aggressive media and bored meeting attendees. The focus is on civility.

Each Leadership Mint (story) concludes with a key learning takeaway called Today’s StateMINT.

These 52 Leadership Mints in SPEAKING Like a Leader are featured in three key topic areas: Credibility, Memorability and Capability. Sample Leadership Mint title: Becoming an Eye-Deal Speaker (Mint 28).

Take a break. Savor a Leadership Mint. Refresh your feeling for leading. And find that missing piece in your your proverbial puzzle today.