Tag Archives: Dorothy Sarnoff

Listening: Making LOVE To Your Audience

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to get the most challenging audiences to listen and respond to you. Reading time: 1:58.

Listening with your eyes in particular and — with your entire face in general — is a keen leadership skill that very few leaders in my experience have mastered. We can all learn the art of listening with your eyes from Art Linkletter -my all time “eye” deal leader extraordinaire — and host of a network television talk show in the 1960s.

Art Linkletter interviewing youngster on network television.

For 17 years on network television- as the then longest running daytime program- Art Linkletter made an art of conversing with people known more for their lack of attentiveness and their inclination to fidget and even cry. But Linkletter calmed those 5-10 year old youngsters. With his eyes.

Linkletter would kneel and bring his face up close to the face of a youngster. He would ask questions but the kids only saw his wide eyes like huge lollipops. Inviting. Sweet. Juicy.

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