Tag Archives: creative business cards

Business Cards: The Handshake You Leave Behind

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to add greater value to your business cards.

“Think of your business card as the handshake you leave behind,” writes Lynella Grant in “The Business Card Book.”

A design company's creative business card

Here are a few ways to strengthen your grip on the handshake you leave behind, to turn your business card into a more potent marketing tool based on business cards I’ve collected over the years.

My favorite is the financial advisor who invested more than 87 cents more than the printing costs in each of his business cards to a very exclusive potential clients: rich people. On the back side of his card he pasted three different postage stamps:

  1. A 10 cent stamp, and the year 1975.
  2. A 32-cent stamp, and the year 1995.
  3. A 45-cent stamp and the year 2012.

One look at the cost of postage stamps-the cost of mailing a single letter- over the last four decades and you don’t have to be a brain surgeon to figure out the impact of inflation on your earning power – and hence the reason why you need a good financial advisor. Subtle yet strategic.

You can also use your business card as a discount coupon. It’s from an auto repair company. They call their business card a FRIENDS REFERRAL CARD. Continue reading