Leadership Mints Series Sampler: Counter-Intuitive Thinking

Your 5-year-old has an ear-ache and your 1-month old is suffering from colic and now your parenting skills are calling on you to act quickly and decisively like the leader you are in the office.

You grab your phone to call your doctor just like you always have done in a situation like this.

But then you stop and do something completely different. And that counter-intuitive decision makes all the difference.

You call a doctor who has as much medical training as other MD’s, Medical Doctors — 8 years of studying the same basic sciences as doctors of medicine from physiology to endocrinology — yet they use different treatment protocols.

You hear the voice in your head saying that maybe you should try this alternative approach to solving pain. After all, you’ve been researching alternative treatments for colic and ear aches.

You are intrigued that there are doctors who have a proven record of alleviating pain without prescribing drugs.

You call a chiropractor, more formally credentialed as doctor of chiropractic .

Well-informed on the anatomy of the human body, the chiropractor aligns the 45 miles of nerves networking through the human body and more fully connects the body’s 206 bones and 639 muscles to ease pain.

After a few treatments, the colic subsides. The ear-ache goes away. Your penchant for researching and problem-solving paid off.

And now life is good again thanks to your leadership in consistently learning new ways to solve old problems even more quickly and completely.

As a creative thinker do you open the doors to greater opportunity with the 3 Keys of the most effective leaders: forward-leaning, other-directed, owner’s mindset?

As a leader, do you consider other options before making a decision? Or do you do what you have always done even if the results are mixed?

To stimulate your counter-intuitive decision making skills, consider purchasing a 280-page book that is available now on Amazon.com.


That book on thinking like a leader is the first of three books in The Leadership Mints Series designed to help leaders refresh their feeling for leading with short stories (called Leadership Mints) you can grab ‘n go like a candy mint.

The two others books focus on leading with empathy LOVING LIKE A LEADER and leading with civility SPEAKING LIKE A LEADER.