Whoa there Motor Mouth!
Civility opens the door to credibility where it’s not how loud you shout that gives you clout but what your audience thoughtfully hears, critically believes and clearly concedes that ultimately leads. Collaboratively.
With civility, you ratify your right and their right to be heard without vilifying each other for what they heard.
With civility, you defend your point of view without dismissing another’s point of view.
With civility, the most credible speakers are quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger as James writes in the Bible (1:19).
And with civility, leaders anticipate the questions and concerns of the audience to fertilize even more common ground.
That’s why the first step in parlaying your power in speaking like a leader is to strengthen and sharpen your sense of empathy: your ability to participate with others in their ideas and feelings. Then you will argue less and listen more.
Then you will seek a mutually satisfying solutions that balances the needs and concerns of both parties.
That’s why the most effective speaker/leaders seek a compromise based on integrity and anchored around an inherent promise to treat their listeners/followers with dignity and respect.
That PROMISE to others is instructive in the way the most effective leaders earn credibility through civility.
After all, the word PROMISE is clearly prominent in the word compromise.
When you make and keep your promises, your credibility soars Continue reading “Leadership Mints Series Sampler: On Credibility From Civility”