Tag Archives: cat neutered

Cat’s Eyes: Reflecting Long-Term Objectives vs. Short-Term Benefits

By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy

Here’s an idea to stay focused on your long-term goals. Reading time: 2:13.

When you are trying to catch your train of thought, it’s too tempting to simply reach out and latch on to whatever you can.

It’s too easy to focus only on what HAPPENS next. Sequentially.

It’s more demanding to step back-thoughtfully, strategically and collectively-to carefully consider - what NEXT could happen. Consequentially.

Yet sometimes short-term benefits overshadow long-term objectives.

That’s why I applaud leaders who contain their short-term focus like one of my clients, the first woman to be named CEO of the organization. She pointed to a large framed photo of a cat and told me an allegory I will never forget on the significance of leaders thinking long-term.

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