By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy
Here’s an idea to help you become more decisive. Reading time: 3:44
It’s the NBA –the National Basketball Association—in action. Pistons vs. the Lakers. And the Pistons win, 19-18 in the lowest-scoring game in NBA history.
Of course that’s back in 1950, four years before the introduction of the 24-second shot clock that changed the game of professional basketball and gave us all an interesting insight into effective leadership:
Deadlines are Lifelines.
Without a deadline -without a shot clock counting down that specific deadline to spark a specific action-both teams could stall the game and literally play by themselves, keeping the ball away from the opposing team.
So players could in essence play catch with each other and frustrate their opponents until making the best percentage shot. They had way too much time on their hands and did what comes natural in those circumstances—nothing.
Until Danny Biasone stepped in. The owner of the Syracuse Nationals had enough of this pass-the-ball –around style of basketball. As a leader he wanted to see action. Continue reading “Game On: Turn on Your Shot Clock”