Leadership Mints Series Sampler: Settling Your Snow Globe

What if you thought of your mind as if it were a snow globe “that gets shaken up throughout the day,” pose the authors of The Mind of the Leader.

Reflection — taking a time out during your busy day — “let’s the snow settle, making everything easier to see and put into perspective,” observe Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter.

Leaders find time to STOP. Think. And clear away the clutter that seems to cloud so many busy leaders who are too busy being busy to STOP. And think and see something new through the flurry of so many so many falling snowflakes that seem to bury instead of embolden your creative insight .

Consider the power of clarity to provide new insight to a busy leader. Take something simple like three familiar words: Block, Danger and Climb. Oh how easy it is to see the forest and somehow miss the trees.

If you’re like me, you didn’t see the word within the word-at least at first glance anyway. You were caught in your own snow globe where the expected snowflakes always fall predictably. (NOT).

Clear your snow globe. Stop & Think. And look again -carefully -at those OTHER three words hiding in plain sight of those three words.

Those three words hiding in plain sight provide a more significant insight between the relationship of the original word such as Climb and the word hiding in plain sight: LIMB. You can discern that same kind of clarity when the snow settles on the word Block and reveals LOCK.

More tips on gaining greater clarity in your decision making and other tips and techniques for busy leaders can be found in a 280-page book now available on Amazon.com titled: THINKING Like a Leader.

That book on thinking like a leader is the first of three books in The Leadership Mints Series designed to help leaders refresh their feeling for leading with short stories (called Leadership Mints) you can grab ‘n go like a candy mint.

The two other books are also available on Amazon.com. They include LOVING Like a Leader with Empathy and with Civility SPEAKING Like a Leader

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