The 3-books in the Leadership Mints Series are designed to meet the demands of your busy day with a dip-in-anywhere format and two page chapters called Leadership Mints that take less than five minutes to read.
Each Leadership Mint begins on the right side page to accommodate the natural flow of your eye and ends with a key learning, a one-sentence takeaway that you can apply on the job right away. That one-sentence key learning is labeled to facilitate your quick recall of the salient point:
Today’s ImproveMINT concludes each of the 77 Leadership Mints in THINKING Like a Leader.
Today’s EngageMINT concludes each of the 77 Leadership Mints in LOVING Like a Leader.
Today’s StateMINT concludes each of the 52 Leadership Mints in SPEAKING Like a Leader.
The entire 3-book Leadership Mints Series is specifically designed —simply—as a tool to help busy leaders refresh their leadership development skills – easily and quickly in an on-going convenient process – primarily through 5-minute, dip-in-anywhere, grab ‘n go reading modules that can be easily and quickly re-read as new situations warrant.