Leadership Mints: Grab ‘n Go Reading For Busy Leaders

You’re busy. Too busy to attend as many webinars and workshops as you might like to sharpen your leadership skills. Too busy to invest even 15-20 minutes a day to read as many blogs and books on professional development as you might like.


Relax. Take a deep breath. Savor a Leadership Mint to refresh and revive your feeling for leading.

And here’s the best part: savoring a Leadership Mint takes less that 5 minutes.

Five Minutes! That’s the time it takes to digest a 2-page Leadership Mints story. Five Minutes to personalize optimum leadership behaviors with examples from business, sports and politics.

Call it Grab ‘n Go reading for busy leaders in a convenient dip-in-anywhere format.

That’s the unique selling point of the 3-book Leadership Mints Series that features short stories called Leadership Mints that are consumed like a breath mint, quick and on the go, and just as easy to digest and quick to refresh. For example in savoring a Leadership Mint, the most effective leaders can:

  • Grab ‘n Go and take 5 minutes to energize themselves and their staffs, reading Yabba Dabba Dooo on Monday Morning Too. That’s Mint 1 among the 77 Leadership Mints in THINKING Like a Leader.
  • Grab ‘n Go and take 5 minutes to more productively align their staffs for greater productivity, reading Becoming Chairman of the Bored. (Yes, BORED, that is not a typo). That’s Mint 50 among the 77 Leadership Mints in LOVING Like a Leader.
  • Grab ‘n Go and take 5 minutes to accelerate their understanding and your persuasive skills, reading Take ’em for a Joy Ride. That’s Mint 33 among the 52 Leadership Mints in SPEAKING Like a Leader.

The 3-books in The Leadership Mints Series are available on Amazon.com ($15 paperback, $8 ebook).

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