The Leadership Mints Series

LOVING Like a Leader, Featuring 77 More Leadership Mints, is the second book in the Leadership Mints Series designed to help busy leaders refresh and rejuvenate their leadership skills. Consumed like a breath mint –quick and on-the-go—a LEADERSHIP MINT is a short story that energizes leadership behaviors and personalizes leadership principles so they are more easily remembered, more readily acted upon and more fully applied. Like its candy counterpart, a LEADERSHIP MINT is easily spooned, quickly digested and immediately reinvigorating.

The first book in the Leadership Mints Series introduced the concept of the 5-Minute Leadership Mints Break that could be conducted as part of on-going staff meetings to provide professional development opportunities in a time-sensitive convenient program.

That book —Leadership Mints, 101 Bite-sized Ideas to Energize Yourself & Others, was updated, revised and relaunched in 2016 under a new title that better focused on what readers appreciated most about the book: energizing them to take action in 16 different leadership principles. The new title: THINKING Like a Leader, Featuring 101 Leadership Mints.

The intent of that first book in the Leadership Mints Series was to provide busy leaders a tool to fire themselves and others up. The intent of this second book in the Leadership Mints SeriesLOVING Like a Leader —is to help busy leaders keep from burning themselves and others out. Both books are available on


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