By Peter Jeff
The Leadership Mints Guy
Here’s an idea to help you help you strengthen your time management skills. Reading time: 1:47
Late again. Are the hands of Time still squeezing the juice out of your life? You’re always on the go and some how you never quite get there. On time.
Well, here’s a way to get more control over your schedule. Instead of chasing after one meeting after another, go on a treasure hunt.
Think of opening a Treasure Chest of Time every morning filled with $86,400- one dollar for every second in a 24-hour period. Spend your treasure wisely. Pay greater homage to your most precious resource - Time.
To help you enhance your appreciation for this Treasure Chest of Time, here’s a little ditty I wrote to remind myself of how important Time is. Maybe it will help you become an even more focused Treasure hunter over Time:
Prisoners serve it.
Musicians mark it.
Historians record it.
No one has more of it,
All of us have all of it.
And yet,
We are always
Running out of it.
So precious is it,
That Queen Elizabeth said:
She would give all her possessions
For just a Moment of it.
It is Time.
Time Sublime.
Spend the ultimate treasure wisely. That’s what leaders do.
Today’s ImproveMINT
Appreciate every second to keep your leadership thinking in mint condition.
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